Friday, June 05, 2009

Back here after being moderated off a blog site where the owner didn't like me [wanking as she put it] going on in a similar manner to what she does most of the time. Except she uses the 'f' word quite a lot. She suggested if I wanted to wank on I should get my own site ... fair enough except I thought I was providing a reasoned argument pointing out where she had gone wrong ... so she moderated me out. Not the first time folk have objected to my comments on the web.

Anyway the subject was a media report about an alleged rape which had included the word 'rape'. Obviously some rash editor bucking the PC and bringing joy to a feminist's heart.

My interest is less what words were used in the report but the lack of action by bystanders to stop the act. I guess my opening para wasn't exactly inclined to calm the femine breast ,, whatever ....

Ideologically Impure
I am suprised at your apparent limited comprehension, perhaps I should sprinkle a few 'f' words through my answers to help you.
I can see our interests are different.
Whereas you think that the use of the word to describe the act is important, I am concerned that the citizens stood by and did nothing to stop the act, that the act continued without interuption from your report.
Is it better to describe the act using one particularly emotive word, and hail a sucess that it was used by a print media outlet, or to discuss the failure of the law/citizens to hinder or stop the act as it progressed, instead of watching horrified.
I have twisted your approach to the more important aspect of the case in my view. I am just a mere male and could be expected to perhaps have a different attitude to the act. But I ask why was it permitted to take place and to be charitable to the watchers I can only think that the woman involved didn't object to the act in an understandable way to the watchers, a second reason could be the relative physical size of watchers compared to the the alleged rapist. Another thought comes to me that in a society which for decades has been nursed from the womb to the tomb we expect somebody else to correct matters, we ring the police to apprehend the alleged offender, when actually a restrained interuption of the act would have been more appropriate. I am fortunate to have never been assaulted so I cannot speak from a victims point of view.
Was the use of the word one small step forward for feminists? What is a word but a symbol to describe an act or thing. If the act is disgusting then surely any word or combination of words will do. So long as we know what act happened.
So I don't share your apparent delight at what might be political correctness being overcome.

So if anybody reads this I wonder what you think ......


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